Friday, March 11, 2011

Where does the time go? & House training tips...

Wow! I've been home for thee months already... It's hard to believe I haven't posted in so long. The time just slips away. My puppy doesn't even look like a puppy anymore! He looks like a small version of a dog, no more puppy breath and pink bellies... lol
Here's a video of some trick training that we've been doing over the last couple months... (Let me know what you think!)

House training 101: 
House training doesn't have to be as hard as it's chalked up to be. With a few simple techniques, you can make this transition smooth for both you and your new pup. Your best friend with house training will be to setup up a routine. Have a schedule with your pup and always know when they have eaten and drank last so you can take them out accordingly. Always take them out soon after meals and drinking, very first thing in the morning, directly after a nap, and also right after a play session. These are times when it is almost a guarantee that your pup will have to go. Start with rewarding them every time they go outside and give them lots of praise. Always make sure they are in your sight when inside or, if they can't be, then the crate is your second best friend. (There is a lot of information on the web about proper ways to crate train). If you don't give them the chance to mess up in the house your chances of speedy success will sky rocket!

While house training Axis, I ran into a couple unforeseen problems which could be somewhat related. The mistake I believe I made was; when bringing him out for a pee, I immediately came right back in the house. He quickly realized this and started delaying the process so he could sniff around and romp in the snow. Soon I was having to stand there for 10 minutes in the freezing st. john's weather waiting for him to pee.
The other thing that happened; he started to go to the door even when he didn't have to pee just to go outside and have a sniff around. So it became this game for me to predict weather he actually had to go or if he was just crying wolf... It happened a couple times then, that I was sure he didn't have to pee because he had just gone, but as it turns out, he did.
Now, at these times, instead of squatting to pee like normal he would just kinda walk around and tinkle... Then I would come by not too long after and find a dotted squiggly line of dribble on the floor... I.e. He learned that I couldn't see him when he did it this way and got away with it, thus opening a can of worms where he would do this on occasion. So, I had to go back to the basics and even though he does go to the door to alert me when he needs to go, I went back to letting him out whenever I thought he even might have to go, and rewarding with treats each successful time.

Lesson 1: I realized I got complacent after he was successfully going to the door for a couple weeks and took for granted that my job with house training was mostly done... after all, he was going to the door to alert me when he needed to go, that means he's house trained, right? Well, not really. He's still very young and does not have the muscle capacity needed to hold it for long, so I learned that even with a pup as smart and willing to learn as Axis, the job's not done just because he understands how to do a certain behavior. It's an ongoing process, always, and once again serves to remind me that; "Training is a lifestyle, not an event" - (Love that one! Thanks Heather!)

Lesson 2:
When taking your pup out, after he/she has done their business, stay out for a few minutes and let them sniff, play, romp whatever... (Yes, even when it's cold and snowy!) It will ensure that they don't see eliminating as an end to the fun, and could save you a lot of time and hassle later on. Also might help with the issue of crying peepee wolf. Though I will add that for the most part as long as your pup is getting enough exercise and walks outside during the day they should be fairly pooped out the rest of the time. (*Pun intended!)
I guess Axis just has extra energy to burn!

If anyone has any questions or house training fiasco's to share, feel free to post in the comment section! I'd love to hear from you!
All the best from our little pack!

P.S. - If your puppy is teething like my little man is right now, try a wet rolled up face cloth in the freezer for a few hours... He just loves that thing, it's very soothing on the gums :o)

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