Friday, December 17, 2010

Home Again Home Again Jigity Jig!

Back in St. John's... and they call BC the wet coast! It's been raining here ever since I got back and forcast calls for rain, rain, rain.Well, at least it's not a frozen wasteland... yet!
I found out that Axis doesn't much like getting wet. He knows how to get back around to the door now so as soon as he's done his business he heads straight for it ;o) In terms of house training, it's going pretty well so far. Day 3 and he's figured out that outside = pee, now we just have to connect the dots so that inside doesn't = pee! Although as I write this he has actually whined twice when he needed to go so things are looking good. I haven't got much sleep lately however, he usually has to go out every 2-3 hours and is awake 2-3 times per night, I'm hoping he'll sleep through soon enough.

Here he is at 6 weeks! 

It seems he bonded well with Raina on their flight home, having been put in a kennel together and for an unexpected extended period... I got home to St. John's after all day in transit from Victoria, greeted my family and promptly made my way to the over-sized baggage area to collect my pooches, only to find out that they hadn't made my connecting flight! The two dogs were in Montreal and wouldn't be able to make it back to me until the following night! I was so choked up and feeling completely helpless, I couldn't believe Westjet would misplace my dogs. I mean, lose my luggage somewhere that's one thing, I wouldn't have been too upset (or surprised) but my DOGS?!
Anyway I wont get into all the details, however as compensation Westjet fully refunded my return ticket as well as giving me a $250 travel credit. The least they could do as far as I'm concerned, though I'll never again trust that baggage handlers are competent enough to do their job properly. My suggestion to anyone flying with pets in the cargo is to make sure that plane doesn't leave the ground until you have radio confirmation that your animals have made it safely on board.
All in all though they seem no worse for the ware and save from being filled with energy (and pee!) they showed no signs of stress. I think it was good that they were together for such an ordeal.

So, having no return ticket, I've decided to stay in Newfoundland for the next couple of months. I start my course again first week in May in Victoria so I'll probably head back that way around April. In the meantime if anyone is looking for training in the St. John's area after the new year, feel free to email me or pass on my info to a friend.

Oh yeah, a little tip for the holidays; if you or anyone you know is planing to give a dog as a Christmas gift this year, I suggest making sure the recipient is ready, willing and able to handle the responsibilities of such a commitment. I know that the feeling of surprising a loved one on Christmas morning with a floppy eared, waggy tail puppy is attractive, but please, think of the needs of the dog as well as your own. Many people who receive dogs as gifts are not ready or not yet educated enough about dog behavior & psychology to take on the whole package of living with and caring for a dog. As a result dogs can end up with many types of problem behaviors, bad habits, aggression issues or worse they could eventually end up in a shelter.
Often times people choose a dog based on their look or breed without doing the proper research and as a result, find that their adorable pup turns out to be more than they bargained for. Please be responsible and make sure that if a dog is the right holiday gift, take into consideration the energy level of both the human and the dog to find the best match for both!
Consider adopting from a local shelter as there are many animals who are in need of loving homes. A great idea for a Christmas morning surprise is a fancy home made card with an "IOU 1 lovable shelter puppy!" or "Invitation to a shelter adoption date!". That way you could both go together and know for sure your getting the best match.

All the best holiday wishes to you and yours!
~Louise, Raina & Axis
 Merry Christmas!

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